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7 Tips from an event organizer on how to avoid catastrophe

7 Tips from an Event Organizer on How to Avoid Catastrophe

Aleksandra Lugovic, SpeakerHub’s Business Developer and Co-Founder of EuVENT, shares with us some of her best advice on how to run fantastic events. Her advice ranges from “I-wish-I’d-thought-of-that” practicality to the less than obvious nuances that can turn an event from good to great.

Introducing: SpeakerHub’s Marketplace

Introducing SpeakerHub's Marketplace

The Marketplace is at the heart of what we are creating at SpeakerHub: being the one-stop-shop for creating connections between speakers and event organizers. We’ve made it simpler for organizers to find people who are interested in speaking at their events, and for speakers, trainers and moderators to find new opportunities. 

SpeakerHub is featured in The Next Web's "The Crazy Ones" Magazine

The Crazy Ones SpeakerHub Press Feature

The Next Web's magazine, "The Crazy Ones" is out – and SpeakerHub is in it! Published by TNW for the 2016 Amsterdam conference, the magazine features the most exciting new startups at the conference, highlighting the ideology and conception of companies from various fields and industries in the European start-up world. 

Is it worth speaking at conferences?: 60-second summary

Visualised Article Summary: “Is it worth speaking at conferences”

Neil Patel, one of the world’s top online marketers, explores whether or not conferences can positively affect the growth of your business in his article “Is it Worth Speaking at Conferences” published on QuickSprout last year. Patel has spoke at over 230 conferences, and his advice is both insightful and practical.  We’ve summarised  his article visually, to help share with you his ideas on how to effectively use conferences to grow and promote your company.