Tips to Help You Succeed in Public Speaking


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Tips to Help You Succeed in Public Speaking

Public speaking, otherwise known as oratory or oration, is a skill that entails delivering information to a live audience. The conveyed information – which can touch on a wide range of subjects – should be designed to enlighten, convince and entertain these audiences.

With today's technological advances, the term 'public speaking' has evolved to apply to any type of speaking in front of a group of people, even if the speech was pre-recorded or transmitted across a long distance. 

Famous betting expert Tim Harrison who works at Betzillion and gives many interviews, shares his best public speaking practices with in this article.

What Are Some Best Practices for Successful Public Speaking?

Public speaking is one of the most essential professional abilities an individual can master. 

You can:

  • build solid relationships, 

  • enhance your career, 

  • spread ideas, 

  • impact people's daily lives, and

  • establish a positive reputation among the general public.

However, it can be intimidating and challenging if you’re not used to speaking in front of a group. However, everyone can improve their ability to share ideas and information in this way.

Let's briefly share a few tips that can help you deliver speeches confidently and win the hearts of your audience.

1. Understand Your Audience before Planning your Speech

According to BetZillion expert Tim Harrison, presenters are more likely to feel at ease in front of an audience they are familiar with. When you know your audience, it helps to create a speech that will appeal to them.

You should always determine your audience’s level of knowledge about the subject you intend to discuss. It will help you know how much you need to cover and to what depth, also the kind of words you should use when delivering your speech.

2. Practice

To be effective, you must practice your presentation ahead of time. For instance, you could have a friend or family member listen to your rehearsals, or you could talk aloud to a mirror and monitor your performance yourself. Practice will enable you to assess whether you have coherently organized your content.

3. Maintain Eye Contact and Refrain from Reading a Script 

Practice does more than ensure your presentation is organized and capable of conveying the necessary messages. It allows you to be comfortable on stage and confident with your material.

Also, making eye contact helps you connect with the audience around you. If you have paper notes as an aid, only utilize them briefly as a reminder of the point you intend to make. Observing people in the audience will also enable you to tell if people understand your ideas, or whether you need to clarify them.4. 

4. Learn from Constructive Criticism

Learning from constructive criticism will help you become a successful public speaker. Accepting constructive criticism can be difficult, but if you believe the critique has your best interests at heart, you'll be more receptive to advice to improve your communication.

Integrate suggestions to enhance your performance in the future. Do not get defensive or take criticism personally. Also, always express gratitude to people for their contributions.

5. Be Authentic

Coming across as authentic makes it easier for an audience to connect with you. So, as you deliver your speech, let your personality come through. Be genuine, and use humor when it helps and if appropriate. Also, include concise personal stories to support your points. 

6. Make Use of the Stage

You should know the details of your public speaking location before the event. Ensure that your presentation (if you use one) and any aids you intend to use are compatible with the provided equipment. Get familiar with the room's configuration and inquire about the time allocated for your presentation, etc. 

Then, when you're presenting, command the stage and move about, making eye contact with your audience. Avoid tense motions that might detract from your message, such as scratching your head.

7. Be Repetitious

Unlike viewing a video or reading a book, someone listening to you speak cannot go back to catch or find a critical point in what you just said. So it's advisable to assist your audience by restating important content, including your theme or significant takeaway. Doing this helps your audience hear everything, understand your meaning, and have time to process and assimilate your message.

8. Have a Coping Mechanism for Nervy Moments 

Despite your preparation, you’re still likely to be nervous during presentations. When you feel this, inhale deeply. Remember, nobody expects you to be flawless. Humor can also help diffuse tense situations and remind people listening that you're a fellow human being.

9. Make Recordings

By recording your speech, you can later detect errors or other relevant details that can help you improve. If you're presenting your speech online using a video platform like Zoom, you can record through the software. Utilize this approach to improve your abilities and be more effective next time out.

10. Finish with an Impressive Conclusion

A powerful finish will leave a long-lasting impression on your audience. So it's essential to create a strong conclusion for your presentation. Your conclusion may be a memorable quotation clarifying a theme in your presentation or maybe a narrative illustrating the importance of the topic to you personally.

Importantly, remember to thank your audience for their time after the presentation is over. You can also ask for questions if there's still time.


Even though public speaking can be tricky and challenging, you can become a master at it. It is a very fulfilling and exciting skill to have. To assist you further, we also provide a comprehensive cheat sheet to help you understand public speaking and attain success doing it.

You should consider becoming a member of, as they are responsible for empowering all levels of public speakers, from amateurs to professionals. They also provide further tips that could aid your public speaking career.

Disclaimer: this article includes a paid product promotion.

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