Improve Your Public Speaking Skills and See the World


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Improve Your Public Speaking Skills and See the World

For as long as human beings have communicated, the fear of public speaking has existed in our psyche. It’s a phobia that some struggle with more than others, and has caused an uncountable number of afflicted people throughout history to swear off public speaking altogether. Nevertheless, there’s no better time than now to get past that fear — and if you do, then you could reap incredible rewards. 

The fact is that public speaking skills are in demand around the globe, and the ability to get up and share a message with a group of strangers can help you to stand out from others. On top of that, if you like to travel, public speaking skills can help land the job of a lifetime. 

Today, we will talk about the many unique careers and opportunities that could allow you to see the world. Plus, we will provide some advice on how to improve your public speaking skills so you can reach the next level of your career.

You Need To Improve Your Public Speaking

The fact is that if you want to find a job that can help you to make the money you want and also see the world, you need to learn the art of public speaking. When you submit a resume to a company, this is one of the skills that they look for. Public speaking is essential for many jobs in business, including trainers and managers. If you want to grow in your field, then you need to seriously consider learning the art.

Many people think of public speaking as making a grand speech in front of a crowd, but the truth of the matter is that it can be as simple as speaking to a customer. Many of the professionals with traveling jobs, like flight attendants, tour guides, and cruise ship employees,  are customer-facing, and they don’t necessarily need to speak to a large crowd, but they do need the courage to talk to a stranger as part of their profession.

Even the act of acquiring these traveling jobs requires that you have the ability to speak publicly at the interview to a person you have never met. The interviewer may even ask you questions about your past experience with public speaking. If you can talk about a time that you addressed your customers or anyone at work, then you may have a leg up on your competitors.

How To Get Past Your Fears And Improve

If you really want to improve your skills and see the world, but you are afraid of public speaking, then it is time for you to get past that fear. 

Many people have this as their number one fear because they think that it entails coming up with a speech off the top of their heads. However, the truth is that there are several different methods of delivery when speaking publicly. While there certainly is the impromptu style, there is also the manuscript style, where you read a speech that was previously prepared, and the memorized style, where you get the speech ahead of time and recite it from memory. These other delivery methods should make the idea of public speaking easier to handle.

Even if you are still afraid, there are several tactics that you can use to get past that fear. One idea is to look for a job where you are passionate about a certain subject. So, if you love motivating others, then you can get a job as a motivational speaker. Even if you are still afraid, you can quell those fears by focusing more on the material and less on your presentation. Don’t worry about what your voice sounds like. Just share the information.

If you are told that you have to speak publicly at your job and successful completion of the task means that you may get the chance to travel, then proper preparation can help you excel. Practice your material in front of a mirror so you can see your mannerisms and adjust them accordingly. Before you give your speech, practice some deep breathing. Take two deep breaths before you step on stage, and then go up and give it your all.

Unique Traveling Jobs You Can Get With Speaking Skills

If you can harness the courage to speak publicly in front of strangers, then you can find yourself in many different fun and unique occupations. You could get work as an actor, or you can harness the power of humor and become a standup comedian. If you love sports, then you could find work as a broadcaster, or if you love to keep up on current events, then you can work as a news broadcaster. 

Although you may not always be standing in front of a live audience, success on social media can also be yours if you are not afraid to share your thoughts online. You may be able to find success on YouTube, or you can entertain the growing audience on TikTok. Finding success marketing on TikTok requires you to be able to follow trends, come up with fresh material, and share information in a comprehensible manner so that you can gain followers and grow your audience. Then, you can monetize your work and make good money. Success on social media ultimately allows you to work from anywhere as long as you have a camera and a topic. However, the ability to speak in public is a vital part of the equation.

There are also many unique jobs in the world of business that require the ability to speak publicly. Among the most exciting is the job of a translator, which will allow you to travel around the globe with different companies to help broker deals and build contracts. Many international companies also require lawyers to help finalize legal documents, and if you have the qualifications and the ability to speak in front of strangers, then you could land a gig doing just that.

As you can see, there are many professional rewards that can come your way if you can learn the art of public speaking. If any of these careers interest you, then consider taking a speech class or practice at home, and you can achieve your dreams.


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