How to get your audience to participate

How to get your audience to participate

A Chinese proverb says, “Tell me something, I’ll forget; show me, I’ll remember, involve me, I’ll understand.” 

According to recent studies, when people participate in a presentation, the material becomes at least three times more memorable for them than if they merely listened to a lecture. 

Video: Winston Churchill and finding your niche

Video: Winston Churchill and finding your niche

Winston Churchill is one of Europe’s most prolifically inspiring public speakers. But surprisingly, although his career as a politician and speaker was long, his three most famous speeches all occurred within a year. When he found his niche, he was able to inspire and change a nation of people.  

Vulnerability is not a weakness

Blog Article by SpeakerHub: Vulnerability Is Not A Weakness

We all know professional presenters who are filled with the kind of bravado that takes them to great lengths to hide any indication of weakness. Especially women, no matter what happens, they “know it all.”

“Speakers 101: How to wow your audience” : 60-second summary

Great ideas for becoming a fantastic public speaker

In a recent article for Forbes, Bruce Kasanoff shared his best advice for getting grounded and giving showstopping talks. His practical approach focuses primarily on being yourself, and using your personality to fuel the talk. Kasanoff explores what you can do before you get on stage and during your talk, to engage your audience effectively