How to get your audience to participate

How to get your audience to participate

A Chinese proverb says, “Tell me something, I’ll forget; show me, I’ll remember, involve me, I’ll understand.” 

According to recent studies, when people participate in a presentation, the material becomes at least three times more memorable for them than if they merely listened to a lecture. 

Video: Winston Churchill and finding your niche

Video: Winston Churchill and finding your niche

Winston Churchill is one of Europe’s most prolifically inspiring public speakers. But surprisingly, although his career as a politician and speaker was long, his three most famous speeches all occurred within a year. When he found his niche, he was able to inspire and change a nation of people.  

Stand in Your Speaking Power

Stand in Your Speaking Power

Fear of public speaking affects many of us, from emerging to experienced speakers. 

What if we’re actively engaged with speaking and it just doesn’t seem like it’s getting any easier? 

101 Quotes to inspire speakers

101 Quotes for Inspiring Public Speaker

Inspiration sometimes runs dry, and for presenters feeling uninspired can lead to a poor performance.

Where do you go when you need a bit of extra lift?  Sometimes the well thought out words of history’s very best orators can be just the ticket. 

7 Tips from an event organizer on how to avoid catastrophe

7 Tips from an Event Organizer on How to Avoid Catastrophe

Aleksandra Lugovic, SpeakerHub’s Business Developer and Co-Founder of EuVENT, shares with us some of her best advice on how to run fantastic events. Her advice ranges from “I-wish-I’d-thought-of-that” practicality to the less than obvious nuances that can turn an event from good to great.

5 Ways to keep your speakers on time

5 Ways to Keep Your Speakers On Time

As an event organizer, it is a delicate balancing act between respecting the speaker, the audience, and the needs of the conference. Making sure that each of sessions and presentations run on time assures fairness to all the speakers and keeps things moving for the audience. Here are some tips on how to keep your speakers on time.