How To Turn Speaking Engagements Into an Online Following


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How To Turn Speaking Engagements Into an Online Following

As a public speaker, you know the value of engaging an audience. The more listeners you have, the better. Your message has the potential to spread to a higher number of people and inspire them to take action or educate them on something new.

Even if your audience is quite niche, you can benefit from an online following as a public speaker. Learn how to establish an online presence and gain followers to enhance your reach and impact.

The Perks of Gaining Online Followers as a Public Speaker

Building a strong online presence can significantly boost your reach, influence, opportunities, and engagement as a speaker. Here are some of the key perks of gaining an online following:

  • Wider reach: Online platforms give you the possibility of reaching a wider, even global, audience. Through social media, websites, podcasts, and other online platforms, you can connect with people from different parts of the world, especially those who are interested in your expertise and message.

  • Increased visibility: As your content gets shared and your name becomes more recognized, you'll more likely be top-of-mind when event organizers, conference planners, and media outlets seek speakers for their events or interviews.

  • Boosted credibility: If you have a significant online audience of engaged followers, you’ll be more established as an authority in your field. 

  • More networking opportunities: You can connect online with other influencers, experts, and thought leaders in your niche. You’ll have more collaboration opportunities, joint ventures, and invitations to speak at online and in-person events.

  • Monetization: A substantial online following can open up new revenue streams. You can monetize your online presence through sponsored content, affiliate marketing, selling digital products or courses, and even crowdfunding for speaking tours or projects.

  • Data and analytics: Feedback from followers and data from platforms can inform and shape your techniques going forward. You can track engagement metrics, demographics, and other insights to tailor your content and outreach efforts for maximum effectiveness.

Your potential for growth as a public speaker only expands when you take things online. It allows you to expand your reach, establish authority, create new opportunities, and make a more significant impact with your message.

However, it's essential to remember that building and maintaining an online following takes time, effort, and authenticity, so be prepared to invest in the long-term growth of your digital presence. The following tips can get you started on your online speaking journey.

Pick the Right Platform

There are tons of online platforms to choose from, so it’s important to nail down exactly which platforms will benefit your presence as an online speaker. These are among the best that you can choose: 

  • Facebook

  • Instagram

  • Patreon

  • Podcast platforms

  • TikTok

  • Your own website

  • YouTube

Establishing your online presence will likely involve a couple of these platforms. You should aim to make it easy to find your content and contact you for speaking engagements. 

However, you don’t want to overwhelm yourself and try to be on every platform at once. Consistency is key, so pick at least two platforms to focus on building, and then you can add more as you grow.

YouTube can be one of the first platforms you focus on due to its capabilities that align well with public speaking. It allows for long- and short-form content so you can upload longer speaking engagement recordings and clips when posting to YouTube Shorts. 

Gaining YouTube subscribers is also a fantastic way to start monetizing your content with ads and sponsorships. Ensure that you deck out your description box with all of your links and how to contact you for booking.

Each platform comes with specific features that can aid your online public speaking venture. Look for the following capabilities when choosing platforms to focus on. 

Live Streaming

Considering your public speaking events are already polished and ready for presenting to an audience, it’s a good idea to set up live streaming on your platform of choice. This way, you can gain viewers who may not be able to see you speak in person. Here is a quick guide to live streaming your events: 

  • Pick a platform

  • Promote the event

  • Test the live stream before you start

  • Have someone there to monitor the video and live chat

  • Link to other platforms, sites, and contact details in the description

  • Follow up afterward to thank the attendees

You can also create interactive elements that boost your engagement during live streams. Platforms that are best for live streaming include YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Patreon if you’d like to only offer the stream to paid subscribers. You can even set up an educational speaking engagement as a webinar and link to a professional webinar platform. 

Repurposing Content

Repurposing content as a digital creator who engages in public speaking is a savvy strategy for saving time and maximizing the impact of your message. By taking existing content—such as blog posts, videos, or podcast episodes—and adapting it into various formats, you can reach a broader audience and fortify your expertise.

This strategy extends the lifespan of your content and ensures that your key messages are consistently reinforced across different platforms. It allows you to maintain a strong online presence and engage with your audience more effectively. Ultimately, you can establish yourself as a thought leader in your field, both in the digital realm and on the stage.

Moving Forward With Speaking Online

Adding online platforms to your public speaking presence allows you to gain valuable feedback to help you move forward in your career. You can rewatch your content, engage with followers, and take advice from your peers.

Online platforms don’t have to be complicated, but you should stay consistent to draw an audience. Many people can’t or aren’t willing to attend in-person events, and digital and social media have transformed public speaking to make it accessible to all. Use your online following to your advantage while spreading your message to a wider and more engaged audience.


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