SpeakerHub Website Update: White-Label Enhancements


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SpeakerHub Website Update White-Label Enhancements

We are excited to share the latest enhancements and features on the SpeakerHub website, tailored for our corporate, enterprise, and association clients who utilize our white-label speaker directory.

Terms of Use Simplified:

We have streamlined the user experience by eliminating the need for users to accept the Terms of Use when logging in, whether it's their first time or subsequent logins via Single Sign-On (SSO).

Core Competencies Update:

We've made an update to the Core Competencies section. The Core Competencies Secondary field will now appear only when the Core Competencies section has been completed.

New User Pop-Up Modal:

To improve the onboarding experience for new users who arrive via invite links and are directed to the signup form, we have added a user-friendly pop-up modal.

Registration Page Optimization:

For the convenience of all white-label clients, we've streamlined the registration process by reducing all registration forms to just three pages. This change aims to expedite the registration process.

Sub-Conference Selection:

Speakers can now choose from a range of sub-conference options, including Micro-Conference, Executive Conference, HR Summit, Summer Conference, Indigenous Micro-Conference, HR Law Conference, and Fall Conference.

Personalized Filter Panel:

Our filter panel has been customized to meet the specific needs and requirements of each white-label client, ensuring a tailored experience for all users.

We hope these improvements enhance your experience on the SpeakerHub platform by making it more user-friendly, efficient, and personalized to your needs. Our primary goal is to provide a seamless and enjoyable experience for all our clients and users, and these updates reflect our commitment to achieving that goal.


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