7 Tips to Better Plan and Improve Your Next Speaking Gig


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Speaking Gig

Public speaking is a skill and activity that can be improved and refined. Some people have jobs or hobbies of which public speaking is a part. For others, public speaking itself is a fulfilling job. 

However, just like many other activities, beginners and intermediates can find themselves stuck. To continue improving, it’s essential that you work on your speaking abilities and on numerous other complementary skills.

Starting from better planning of your trips and the organization of your public gigs up to practicing tips, this article covers some of the key methods to improve yourself as a public speaker. 

All about public speeches from my perspective 

Some people are naturally gifted at speaking. I don’t want to brag, but I can say that I’m one of those individuals who are lucky to have good speaking skills. When I was fifteen, I had the opportunity to host an event about local directors. Fast-forward a couple of years and I was presenting my startup to VCs in a hall full of people much older and more experienced than me. 

In both cases, I wasn’t feeling too nervous because I knew why I was there. And even though I found myself among people with far more knowledge and competence, I felt comfortable. What kept me level-headed was the idea that I was doing nothing more than my task of presenting my idea. 

But I knew what I was supposed to represent, and it was a topic that was intrinsically aligned with my values and ideas. 

Knowing what you’re going to talk about is a great foundation for a good public speech. Furthermore, truly believing in what you’re going to give a speech about will make the whole speech effortless. 

However, be aware of the imposter syndrome and the idea that you might feel like a fraud even if you’re the most competent person in the room. Our voices, and speaking overall, are more personal than we think.

So don’t overthink it. You’re someone who has something to say.

1. Strategize your marketing campaigns 

As a part of your speaking gig, you should also ensure that you’ve attracted the right audience. If no one hears about your event, resulting in a smaller audience, this can lead to your confidence dwindling.

With proper marketing campaigns, you’re going to attract more individuals. You can use social media posts and ads, blogs, as well as short- and long-form videos. 

When you have a gig scheduled, you would want to protect your voice and overall well-being. Instead of exhausting yourself, speaking, and thinking of good content for marketing, you can use an AI video generator from text to make great short videos and announce your gig. 

However, what’s essential about marketing your speaking gigs is that you should attract not only people but also the right type of people. Those who are interested in the topic will provide the correct support and feedback. 

2. Alleviate travel-related stress by leveraging traveling apps

Speaking gigs can be arranged everywhere, from your local town hall up to another country. Some people find it easier to hold speeches when they know, at least partially, their audience. On the other hand, others are more comfortable when nobody knows them.

Regardless of which of these types you are, traveling can be exhausting, and it can negatively impact your speaking performance. Software and tools such as TravelPerk can help ease some worries that you might have about public speaking.

Just like public speaking, organizing your ventures is a skill to be learned. The first time, it can seem troubling, but you will get used to it after a couple of events. Pairing experience with great traveling tools will help you find the quickest route that’s also the most affordable. 

3. Practice

There’s that general rule that becoming a master takes 10,000 hours. Of course, this is a daunting number, and you shouldn’t follow it strictly. If public speaking is what you’re interested in, continuously practicing will feel effortless.

You can practice in front of the mirror at your home, watch videos, or find any other method that suits you. Instead of the 10,000 rule, you should follow a more uplifting one, like the Pareto principle. This principle explains how 80% of the results come from 20% of the actions.

In the context of public speaking, you should expect a sudden breakthrough once you’ve spent enough hours practicing. Practicing with other like-minded people can be effective as well. But if you aren’t able to find such people in your proximity, you’re lucky that the internet exists.

Various online public speaking communities can help you. If you’re serious about this, you can even find an experienced professional who will give you classes remotely. 

4. Have relaxed body language

This might sound confusing, but speaking is only a part of a public speech. People pay a lot of attention to the physical aspects of the speaker. Body language, your physical appearance, and clothes are just as important parts of an experience. 

Feeling tense in your body can negatively impact your speech. You should maintain proper posture and hold eye contact comfortably. Appropriate body language follows your speech, and it’s aligned with the message you’re sending.

However, you shouldn’t follow some arbitrary rules. You should feel comfortable and natural, but you should also avoid looking down at your notes or at the floor, or uncomfortably staring at the audience.

Ensure that your clothes fit comfortably as this can also have a negative impact on how you feel about the speech. 

5. Understand your audience (and remember that they’re likely empathetic)

When holding a speech, you should be aware of the mindset of the target group. Perfectly targeting a specific group is, of course, impossible, but you should be aware of some of their basic traits

This can help you understand what type of words, slang, and tone you should use for your audience. For example, using words such as “based” or “cringe” will only lead to discord with an older audience, but it would bring you closer to individuals who are into internet culture.

Regardless of their cultural specifics, be aware that the audience is likely going to be empathetic to your situation. Don’t stress over tiny mistakes. They will understand your message if the speech is well-written. 

6. Use visual aid 

Don’t avoid the multimedia experience. If you have the opportunity to use devices such as screens and projectors, you should certainly opt for that. Powerpoint presentations can help your listeners get a more complete picture of your message.

Furthermore, presentations and notes can help you deliver a better speech. Whenever you feel as if you’re losing track of the original topic, you can remind yourself by taking a glance at the screen. 

Visual aids can make your speeches more accessible while also being a reliable tool that boost your confidence. 

7. Study great speakers 

Following great examples and individuals in the relevant sphere has always been the key to mastery. Thanks to YouTube and technology, we have access to millions of examples of public speaking.

You can find TED Talks, political speeches, lectures by anyone from entrepreneurs to priests, and basically any other example that you can think of. Studying their body language, tone, as well as the essence of their speech can significantly help you in your journey.

However, people can get paralyzed by the amount of options that they have. You should carefully consider which public speakers are relevant to your experience and ambitions. Theodore Roosevelt had amazing speeches, but his example isn’t as applicable if you plan on talking about artificial intelligence.

Of course, some lessons by public speakers are always going to be relevant, but you should specialize, focus on relevant individuals, and then research them. 

Implement helpful methods to deliver a stunning speaking gig 

Like any other skill, public speaking is improved through continuous practice and experimentation. You should always start with 101 guides, but your career will eventually boil down to how much you’re willing to dedicate and experience.

Regardless of whether you’re a businessman who’s looking to motivate a new generation of entrepreneurs, a humanitarian worker, or just someone who’s passionate about speaking, implementing these tips will help you improve.

Have patience and feel free to try out new methods. Find coaches and engage with communities that are as passionate about public speaking as you are.

About the author:

Veljko is a student of information technology who paired his passion for technology with his writing skills. He enjoys researching topics such as robotics and programming and cultivates his knowledge in philosophy, classical literature, and fitness. Veljko’s favorite writers are Borislav Pekić, Miloš Crnjanski, and Ernest Hemingway. 

Disclaimer: this article includes a paid product promotion.

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