Memberships: helping you build your speaking business


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Memberships: helping you build your speaking business

SpeakerHub was created to help you build your speaking business.

We’ve created a number of tools to help you grow, network, showcase your skills and expertise, and find the right events to speak at.

While the majority of our platform remains free for all speakers, trainers, MCs, webinar hosts, event organizers and panel speakers from around the world, we realize that speakers have different needs when it comes to building their speaking business.

Some speakers only share their message once in a while, or they do mostly pro bono speaking, while for others, speaking is their main source of income and being able to successfully get bookings and building their business is essential.

Below are some options that are available to you, and how they can help you build your business.

Public speakers: Free membership

free memberships

Create a beautiful, professional speaker profile, where event organizers can find you and contact you, completely free of charge.

With the free membership, you can upload a photo, video and slideshow of one of your presentations.

Additionally, you’ll have access to a handful of events looking for free speakers on our events page, so you can practice your speaking skills and start making contacts with event organizers around the world.

Growing speaker: Silver Memberships

silver membership

The Silver memberships are ideal for new to mid-level speakers: besides having a dynamic, multimedia-rich profile, you will have access to all free events on our event page and in our personalized weekly email digest — helping you find the right events to speak at as you build your reputation as a great speaker.

You’ll also get full access to the SpeakerHub SkillCamp, which has hundreds of articles on how to build and improve your speaking — from business building ideas, insightful expert interviews, to dozens of infographics and visual guides on speaking skills.

Silver membership holders will also:

  • Get unlimited photos, videos or slides uploads,

  • Have exclusive access to SkillCamp content and webinars,

  • When event organizers use the search function, you;ll get featured higher in the results

  • Be able to see detailed profile statistics, like how many people have viewed your profile and what they were searching for.

  • Be able to share presentations publicly.

Silver memberships are $149.99 per year.

Professional speakers: Gold Memberships


Our gold memberships have been created for high-level speakers, and include a ton of business building tools.

The most beneficial of these are access to all the paid events on the SpeakerHub Events page: additionally you will be emailed weekly with events willing to pay speakers of your expertise, tailored to your topics of interest, location and fee expectations.

On top of this, Gold membership holders will also:

  • Be able to upload multiple workshop or training agendas for event organizers

  • Include video testimonials on your profile

  • Access the Speaker One-Sheet Auto-Generator tool

  • Be promoted to event organizers:

    • Get visibility on our blog sidebar

    • Get tweeted as Speaker of the Day

  • Your VIP assistant will update your profile. All you need do is email us.

  • Extra-fast customer service for any other needs you may have.

Gold memberships are $349.90 per year.

Find out more about SpeakerHub memberships.

We’d love to answer your questions or listen to your feedback. Please message us here.


Average: 5 (1 vote)
