SpeakerHub Website Update No.1: New features


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SpeakerHub Company Update and new site features
Here is a quick update on the latest improvements and new features on the SpeakerHub website. 

Helping you leverage and connect with your LinkedIn page:

  • You are now able to click a LinkedIn button which will automatically use your login details for LinkedIn, making signing in even faster.
  • You can add a SpeakerHub badge to your LinkedIn profile, helping you better organizer what people see on your LinkedIn profile. The badge will instantly send organizers to SpeakerHub to quickly access all the relevant and specific info about you as a speaker. 

Improved design and ability to customize your profile:

  • Do you have a really long job title or field of study? We've got you covered: we've maximized the number of characters up to 80, just in case. 
  • We've changed the fonts in your bio section to be clear and consistent, to make sure that event organizers can get the information they need about you quickly and effectively. 
  • We took some time to restructuring your profile page, making sure that the different tabs are clear and easy to use.  
  • SpeakerHub saves: now after saving a section, you will be redirected back to the same section just incase you want to double check it is correct.

Widening our network with more partners and more speakers:

  • We've included a new page specifically to feature our partners. Check it out here:http://speakerhub.com/our-partners
  • Now speakers from around the world can join our network: instead of needing to  "Request invitation" they can instantly access the network and build their own profile via the new "Sign up" page. 

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We would love your feedback and idea! Is there something we could do to make the site even better? Contact us here. 


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