SpeakerHub Website Update No.6: Security Improvements and Statistics


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We have made some major improvements on the overall site security, and are introducing new speaker statistics. Find out more below.

Find out who is looking at your profile: statistics for all speakers

Have you been wondering things like: “Where are people finding my profile?” and “How many people have looked at my profile since I have signed up for SpeakerHub?” Even if you haven’t been wondering, would you like to know?

We have been working on adding new statistic features to all of our speaker’s profiles.

You can find the statistics for your page by clicking your name in the top right corner, and scrolling down to “Statistics”

Select from the menu

The statistics include information like how many people have found your name via the search bar, verses coming from other sources.

We’ve also included how many total people have seen your profile since you signed up, and whether they are coming from within the SpeakerHub network, or outside of it.

Keep your eyes open for new updates on statistics, we’ve got a lot of exciting things planned for the next few months. These basic statistic are currently  free as we are in the beta stage, but this is subject to change in the future as we add more and more layers of in-depth information.

Keeping your data protected: better encryption

We’ve made SpeakerHub more secure by adding new encryption security.

This means that all communication between your computer and our servers is securely encrypted, so your personal data better protected.

Do you have any suggestions for ways we could improve the site? We’d love to hear your ideas. Contact us here.


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