The SpeakerHub SkillCamp gets thousands of hits every week, and has been steadily growing over the past year. We're always looking for our expert speakers and event organizers to share their insights with our global audience.

If you have fantastic insights (that you can share with great writing skills) you think that our community would benefit from, we'd like to hear from you.

This article will give you a good idea of the kind of content our audience is looking for and how to make a submission to the SpeakerHub SkillCamp.

What makes a great article

Successful guest posts share interesting insights about how to hire the right speakers and run a successful speaker business.

We have a tendency to write about topics that take a specific look at an issue and try to solve it, but we are also open to posting about broader, more comprehensive topics as well.

We look to publish:

  • Practical articles that help speakers and event organizers improve their speaking skills, audience engagement, business processes, or networking techniques.
  • We only publish original content and we will not republish anything that's been published elsewhere. (But you are free to re-publish it afterwards elsewhere, provided that the original post on SpeakerHub is linked.)
  • The tone of the blog is professional, yet friendly and helpful. We prefer to avoid using buzzwords, jargon, or colloquialisms.
  • We aim to keep our audience as global as possible, we, however, use American English.
  • We’d like to help you promote your website/business, yet the main aim of the goal is to help our community. Guest posts that are too heavy-handed in their promotion will not be accepted.

Blog post types

Sometimes we publish posts that don't fall into one exact category or overlap categories, your post will have the best chance of being accepted if it matches one category specifically.

Avoid posting

  • Topics that have been amply covered by SpeakerHub already. If you are not sure, please contact us or do a bit of research on the site.
  • Content that seems like a link-building scheme.
  • Content that is too promotional for one specific individual, company or organization.

How to submit your post

Please email racquel.gabuna [at] speakerhub [dot] com with the following:

  • Your draft post as a shareable Google Doc
  • Short author bio including the link to your SpeakerHub profile.

If your article meets editorial standards and aligns with our content strategy, we will respond to let you know your article will be published. The process may take up to 4 weeks.

Additional Note: The SpeakerHub team reserves the right to edit and adapt your guest blog content as we see fit, and update it in the future for accuracy and comprehensiveness.