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  • It’s YOUR Stage

    Here's how it works:
    - 5 webinars/group coaching calls to help you plan your site right from the start, and to 'get your stuff together'
    - An intimate group of 8 people maximum
    - A two day in-person event where we will review and fine tune the plan, create and film your sizzle reel, get your head shots done. At the end of the workshop you will have everything you could possibly need.
    - An on-the-spot mock up of your site on you can see and approve it before we even start coding
    - Delivery of a beautiful, high impact speaker website within 6 weeks that will finally attract the right clients and get gigs like never before.

    Each webinar consists of high value content and a live Q&A, followed by a week to implement your learning and work on that one specific element. No room for 'squirrel syndrome' here - we will keep you focused and on task so there is no more wasted time and money.
