Top 10 tips for new speakers


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Top 10 tips for new speakers

During  many years as a speech and presentation coach, I often shared original, humorous, and motivational sayings with my clients.

I’ve compiled them to create my third ebook, Speech Gems.

My friends here at SpeakerHub have taken the top ten ideas and created this quick PDF incorporating the best ideas for new speakers.

Flip through this PDF to find out:

  • How to network effectively.

  • The main element to consider when writing a good speech.

  • How to make a make a good impression on and off stage

  • Some ideas on how to beat pre-stage anxiety

Clients have shares that the quotes help get them through challenging moments and practice— and inspire them to connect with listeners.

I know you will benefit as well!

Top ten ideas for new speakers

  1. The definition of confidence is thinking about yourself in useful ways

  2. Nervousness is just a sign that you care about your performance

  3. “Pick a tic”: find a way to release your nervous energy in front of people.

  4. Know what you’re trying to accomplish before you write your speech.

  5. Always dress half a step fancier than your audience.

  6. Project your voice to the person in the room who is furthest away.

  7. Your main point is like a headline. Make it 15 words or less.

  8. Intent is more important than content.

  9. Don’t expect people to remember you name. Make it easy by re-introducing yourself first.

  10. Everyone is wearing a sign that says “Make me feel special.”

About the Author:
Laurie Schloff is an Executive Communication Coach based in the Boston area. Her specialty is designing customized, practical, results-oriented and entertaining programs for individuals and groups. She the author of Smart Speaking, He and She Talk, and Twenty Twinkling Stars, a fundraiser for National Students Against Violence Everywhere.

Want to learn about how you can instantly start getting more speaking opportunities with SpeakerHub? Find out more about how SpeakerHub works,  or contact us here.


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    Practical Strategies for Speakers Dealing with Bright Lights

  • I Talk Too Slowly
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    I Talk Too Slowly

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    I Sound So Boring!