Professional speakers can improve your team’s performance: here’s how


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improve your team’s performance

Want to start the new year off with fresh inspiration for your team?

While higher pay and  incentive programs are key factors that guarantee high performance and productivity, they don’t have to be the only tool in your tool box.

Have you ever considered hiring a professional speaker to reinvigorate your team?

Someone who can motivate and engage your team over the course of an afternoon or few day workshop.

Many businesses regularly hire professional speakers because they provide invaluable advice to employees to boost their productivity.

Here’s how speakers can help improve your company performance:

Motivate your team

One of the most influential and important things that professional speakers can bring to the table is their share of success stories.

They share compelling personal stories that are motivating because they are firsthand and come directly from experience.

These speakers provide the kind of validation that we human beings seek from larger-than-life individuals to be able to learn from them and their life-lessons.

They also come up with numerous ways to integrate audience’s expertise with their own life experiences through their powerful words and speech.

The fact that these speakers speak about their journey of successes and failures, and then use these examples to establish a relationship with the audiences s’ experiences ultimately builds a strong connection to inspire your team.

Challenge your team’s perspective

While it is normal for companies and teams to fluctuate between highs and lows in performance, consistent stress and burnouts  can take a toll on your team’s performance.

However, when these speakers talk about their life events, they help their audiences see things differently. They inspire your team to see their tasks in an entirely different light.

For instance, they can enhance the team’s’ ability to look at stress as a challenge and motivator than as a threat or potential danger.

Shawn Anchor, who has one of the most viewed TED talks to date, has spoken in more than 45 different countries and has addressed a variety of audiences ranging from high school students to financial experts . Anchor says, “75% of job successes are predicted by you, your social support and your ability to see stress as a challenge instead of a threat.” Shifting team member’s  focus on inward, personal performance can lead to an positive impact on overall company success and accomplishment.

Get your team aligned

Derailment is a risk when your team feels there are contradictory goals, and ideas.

Sometimes team’s performance can dip if they don’t understand the company’s goals and objectives.

A situation like this is usually a result of miscommunications or inconsistencies in the way a messages are delivered.

Misunderstandings concerning a company’s overall targets can lead to stagnation and can also stifle employee motivation.

A professional speaker can  help align paths between the company and its teams where they offer key insights for company growth and directions to improve.

They may also help the teams  identify the overarching  goals to establish a clear trajectory.

These speakers directly align employee performance with the company’s objectives which helps run the business engine and foster a renewed sense of achievement and success.

James Brook, the Managing Director of Strengths Partnership, has over 20 years’ experience in leadership development, innovative assessment, organizational change and talent management. He has extensive knowledge and experience on the subject of innovation that will drive any company towards innovation.

While pushing people towards creativity, he also provides excellent understanding on the subject of business growth and makes them able to achieve clarity and improvement.

Inspire your team

Tackling problems and performing arduous tasks can often make team members feel like they are stuck, which may result in them feeling unmotivated and uninspired.

It can also be reinvigorating to escape the day-to-day office life to take a breather. In situations like such, reliving stories of others and learning from how they got out of the bland phases of their life can prove to be highly motivating and inspiring.

Take TJ Loeffle, for example. He is a 28-year old entrepreneur and international keynote speaker, who is dedicated to helping high-performing professionals experience a life-changing self-discovery about who they are and how they can contribute more at home and the workplace. Loeffle not only leads, but aims to inspire people with key notes and strategy sessions.

A little inspiration can go a long way and getting the right speaker for your company can ensure both overall and personal performance.

Get your team engaged

One of the major factors in low morale within teams and inefficiency is when the individuals are disengaged and disconnected.

Research shows that almost every survey of employee engagement has discovered that 60-70% employees in the U.S. are highly disengaged at work.

A gap in morale and motivation like such leads to repercussions in the the team’s relationships,  as well as the company’s productivity.

In such instances, turning to someone like Celynn Morin, a lifestyle wellness speaker helping organisations around the globe increase their productivity and profitability through individual performance and energy management is a good idea. Celynn, speaks frequently about ‘performance chemistry’, and aims to improve organisational productivity through enhancing individual work performance.  

This goes to show that having someone from the outside to give your employees an experience of a lifetime can help them find motivation and fuel their own growth.

Could your team benefit from being more motivated, inspired, aligned and engaged?  going through any of these problems?

Are you looking for a new and fresh way to reach them? Are you looking to improve your company’s performance?

If your answer is yes to both, perhaps you should look into to hiring a professional speaker , who won’t only motivate them but can also help you ensure the success of your company.

About the Author:
Audrey Throne is a mother, wife, and professional blogger. She has her masters in English literature from the University of Groningen. She enjoys writing about health, technology, and management, and loves discovering new places and sharing experiences through her writing.

Disclaimer: this article includes a paid product promotion.

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