How much should you charge? 15 tips on figuring out your speaking fee


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How much should you charge? 15 tips on figuring out your speaking fee

A few days ago, a friend of mine sent me an email. He had recently spoken at an event for a group of bankers, and he was unsure if he quoted the right fee.

He asked me: “How do you figure out how much a speaker should charge?

It was a great question, and one I have had to learn through a lot of trial and error.

As I was writing him back, I realized that many speakers must be asking themselves the same question.

We are all looking for that sweet spot of how much to charge: we don’t want to overcharge and leave the event organizer feeling like we’ve taken them for all their worth, yet we want to be paid fairly for the work we’ve done and make a profit at speaking.

Here are the top 15 questions you should ask yourself  before you tell the event organizer your speaking fee:


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