Great SpeakerHub profiles: How to make your profile more appealing to event organizers


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Great SpeakerHub profiles

Over the course of my 5 years at SpeakerHub, I have had the opportunity to work with event organizers to find out what it is they are looking for when it comes to hiring a speaker. 

I have reviewed hundreds of speaker profiles on the platform, giving me a unique perspective on what makes a profile great, and how they stand head and shoulders above the good profiles. 

Today, I would like to share with you the key difference between a good and a great profile, then outline some ways to tweak your profile so that it is more appealing to event organizers.

The key difference: knowing your audience

On stage, a speaker who understands their audience and can speak directly to their needs is going to have more of an impact than the speaker who offers a box-standard speech, copied and pasted to whichever stage they find themselves on. 

This is also true of your speaker profile. Your audience is event organizers, and your profile is your stage to speak to them. 

After looking at hundreds of profiles, it has become clear which speakers understand this, and which ones do not. 

So what does an event organizer need?

In principle it’s pretty simple: they want to be sure that if they hire you, you will be the right fit for their event and have a positive impact on their audience. 

The SpeakerHub profile has been designed specifically to help you convince them of this, but it cannot do the work for you. 

You have to write your copy, curate your videos and articles, and establish influence, all with the event organizer in mind. 

If you have copied and pasted your bio directly from your LinkedIn profile, have not updated your videos to show you are just as capable online as on stage, and have no recommendations or testimonials on your profile, you run the risk of being passed over for another speaker who has and does — a speaker who is speaking directly to the event organizer's needs.

Let’s look at that list in more detail. 

Good to great: 3 areas to focus on 

The profile has dozens of different features that will help you showcase exactly what you do with event organizers, from what languages you speak to your workshop agendas.

This resouce will focus on three main areas,

  1. Introduction: The first impression you make on the event organizer with your profile. Includes your banner, job title, “why choose me?” statement, and social proof.

  2. Your expertise: What you can offer. This is showcased with your presentations, workshops and past talks, your multimedia, and expertise tags

  3. Your experience: Share what makes you an expert, with your biography, publications, past clients, and your recommendations and testimonials.

There is a lot more to say about more specific areas of the profile. If what you are looking for is not covered in the list above, I would suggest hopping over to this article, “A guide to your SpeakerHub profile”, which offers more details on the various features of the profile.

Coming up next…

Over the next few weeks, we will be sharing 3 articles which will dive into each of the areas outlined above. 

But you are probably eager to get started, so we are pleased to immediately share with you the first article in the series, “Creating a great profile: First Impressions matter”.

The second article on how to showcase your expertise with your SpeakerHub profile will be posted before the year ends.

If you are looking for yet more help in adding appeal to your SpeakerHub profile, here is a short list:

More helpful content: 

This article is a part of a larger series which explores how to make your SpeakerHub profile more appealing to event organizers. Want to learn more? See the whole series here


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