SpeakerHub Website Update: White-Label


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SpeakerHub Website Update April 2023

Here is a quick update on the latest improvements and new features on the SpeakerHub website for our corporate, enterprise, and association clients who license our white-label speaker directory.

Agency Dashboard

Agency Dashboard: Under the “Speaker” Tab, we removed Fees as a search option for clients who list their staff/employees and do not need to use this attribute.

Agency Dashboard: For speakers whose application needs to be approved/declined, "declined" profiles are now being stored so it can be tracked for future reference. 

Agency Dashboard: Tooltips have been added to the categories on the statistics page.

Agency Dashboard: The 'search keyword' function has been improved with the following tips:

Option 1: We will search for these keywords in any part of the profile. Use quotation marks (“) to search for an expression or phrase as a whole in any part of the speaker’s profile.

Option 2: Put quotes around any word or phrase, and the system will only show profiles that contain these exact words or phrases.

Option 3: Searching without quotes populates profiles that include the words you typed. Searching within quotes only finds profiles that include all of the keywords, in that specific order.

Speakers page

Speakers page: The links for the Upgrade and Billing pages have been removed for speakers who are part of a white-label "agency".

Speakers page: On the profile editor, when creating a profile, the "company" field no longer defaults to the inviting "agency" (company) name as some clients also list external speakers in their directory. Speakers now have the option to fill it out themselves.

Speakers page: On the profile editor, "Core competencies" and "secondary core competencies" have been added. The secondary field appears only if the core competency is filled out.

Speakers page: DEI questionnaires that are exclusive to an agency have been added to the profile editor and filter panel.

Speakers page: 'Available to' field for Canadian provinces that are exclusive to an agency has been added to the profile editor and filter panel.

Speakers page: Conference sub-types that are exclusive to an agency have been added to the profile editor and filter panel.

Speakers page: For clients who only list their own staff/employees, questions about fees and volunteering have been removed from the profile editor.


Email Templates: The “Welcome” email that is sent when speakers register via our unique agency invite link, along with other email templates, have been personalized for each agency (without the SpeakerHub logo and other SpeakerHub-specific information on it).

Invite link: This update is specific to agencies using an SSO. When using the invite link to create an account, users are obliged to log in using SSO and it is no longer possible to use any other username/email.

Interested in setting up your corporate speakers bureau? Let us know!


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